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The five main steps to install 20W solar street light

View: 115602/25/2020  

The five main steps to install the 20W solar street light are as follow:

20W solar street light

First, the installation site of 20W solar street light

The key to solar street light is to receive the best light energy, so site selection becomes the first notice in the installation process of solar street light. At the installation site, first observe whether there are any obstructions and obstacles around the foundation, no trees, high-rise buildings and other obstacles that can affect the light exposure, let alone the backlight.

Second, the foundation of solar street light

1. The size and firmness of the foundation of solar street light. Whether the foundation is solid or not directly affects the safety of the light pole, so the foundation must be operated in strict accordance with the construction drawings, and must grasp the important data such as size, size, and material.

2. The soil texture around the foundation of the solar street light. This is also closely related to the safety of the light pole. The soil around the foundation should be low in humidity and high in strength to prevent the light pole from tilting and other unsafe behaviors under the influence of thrust.

3. Solar street light. Threading hole position and smoothness of foundation. The function of the threading hole is to lead the battery line from the underground to the interior of the light pole. If the threading hole deviates, the threading hole will be blocked when the light pole is installed. If there is any foreign matter or dead knot in the threading hole, the threading hole will be completely blocked. In both cases, the battery line cannot be introduced, which leads to the failure of an effective power supply for lights.

Third, the threading part

During the wiring process of the solar street light, it is not allowed to have wire joints inside the light pole, and all connecting wires must be a complete wire. (in addition to some light sources with their leads, when connecting the light head with the light source wire inside the light pole, pay attention to the tight connection, and do a good job in waterproof and leakage prevention. When connecting, pay attention to prevent the light head from falling off due to the influence of gravity).

In the process of threading, we must pay attention to the technique, and it is forbidden to pull hard to prevent the power interruption of the wire or the leakage caused by the rupture of the insulating layer.

Fourth, install an LED street light source and solar panel.

The main problems to be paid attention to are the firmness of the power cord connection and the tightness of the screws. When all wires are connected, it is necessary to do a good job of anti-falling and anti-leakage, and the connection is tight and beautiful.

In the process of fastening screws, the degree of tightness shall be well controlled, which shall not be too loose or too tight, and the principle of fixed fastening shall be followed, with appropriate amount of movement. It shall not be too tight to prevent the screw from slipping due to too much stress; it shall not be too loose to prevent the parts from shifting due to the loosening of some components.

When installing the light plate, master the direction well. The standard light plate faces the south direction because the south direction has the strongest light and the longest sunshine time. If it is impossible to face the South under special circumstances, the principle of maximum illumination time and maximum intensity shall be followed.

Fifth, pole erection

Before erecting the pole, the solar street light must check all the power lines to see if there is any electricity leakage, and correct it as soon as possible. Pay attention to safety during pole erection. Adjust the direction and leveling of the light pole in the process of fastening the corner screw. After all the work is completed, the corner screws must be tightened again to be firm.

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